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Rachel Surprenant

Ph.D Student in Education, Université de Sherbrooke

I am a physical education teacher at the college level. I first completed a bachelor's degree in teaching physical education and health at Université de Montréal (2011), then a master's degree in college teaching at Université de Sherbrooke (2018). As a researcher, I carried out my first experimental research with longitudinal follow-up on a physical education teaching intervention promoting physical activity among CEGEP students. This fulfilling research experience led me to pursue my doctoral studies in education, focusing on the mental health of CEGEP students and their lifestyle habits.

Consequently, my contribution to the research work of Prof. Caroline Fitzpatrick's laboratory is to study how screen use among CEGEP students is associated with their mental health, using a prospective longitudinal approach.


ResearchGate Profile

Rachel Surprenant

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